Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My church began it's annual Summer Revival Monday night. Our revivalist or the week is Dr. Stanley Richardson of the Oak Ridge Missionary Baptist Church, Lumber Bridge, NC.
Dr.Richardson is preaching expositorily ( Isaiah 40.28-31 (;&version=31;). Monday night Dr, Richardson dealt with v. 29 and entitled the message "It's Time to Get to Know Him." One highlight of the message was an illustration that Dr. Richardson used in his celebration ( He just got back from a week of workshops in San Jaun, Puerto Rico. He said that there was a mini-casino with slot machines in the lobby of the hotel. He explained the workings of a slot machine and used it as a metaphor to exemplify a metaphysical slot machine that works similarly. Then he told us in the future when we called on God, to just make that pulling motion like you would a slot machine and watch the blessings pour out.
May God continue to bless Dr. Richardson, so he can continue you to revive us through the preaching of the Word.

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