Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Pictures of the Baby

Esprit Jazmin Neveah Penman 2 months old

Chunky, aint she?

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I hope I am not insulting anyone's intelligence by asking if you have ever heard of Fresh Air ( Terri Gross ( I'd rather I assume that you didn't know and tell you what you already know, than assume that you did know and leave you in the dark about this cool show. Basically, it is an one on one interview show like Charlie Rose ( Tavis Smiley ( Terri is one of the best interviewers out there, she exhibits tremendous respect, intense interest, and excellent research on all she interviews. This show aired August 14, 2007, and was meant to kind of preview Jackson's upcoming movie "Resurrecting the Champ." ( I was particularly interested in what Jackson would have to say about his last movie "Black Snake Moan" ( with Christina Ricci. ( Although much maligned by the critics, I thought it was a good movie. Themes of redemption and restoration resonated with me as a pastor, one "sinner" working out their soul salvation trying to help another do the same is my business.
Good interview, check it out here. (

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Today's youtube video of the day comes from paragon of virtue Sen. Larry Craig ( has recently found himself in hot water for allegedly engaging in homosexual acts in a public bathroom (lewd behavior by another name). ( find it so typical that the Republicans who have been dressing in the flag and pinning the label of 'virtuous' on there lapels are being, "out-ed" and exposed as hypocrites and the very miscreants that have been lionizing. It's the
old bait and switch, and people keep falling for it. Jesus put it this way, "if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone...." John 8.7 (

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A person hears only what they understand.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (

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Monday, August 27, 2007


This is the best tip/tricks that I have picked up in a long time, It has substantially increased the usability of my m280 and daily productivity. I initially saw this trick on Lifehacker (, and thought it might be interesting never thinking it would have such far-reaching implications for my computing. I guess first and foremost I need to talk a little about what netvibes ( is. It is a webs app/web service that gives you the ability to create your own homepage ala' myyahoo ( or igoogle ( (there are a few others options, so don't limit yourself to these two, google "personal webpage applications" to discover some of the others). Netvibes is cool because it has widgetized the webpage. Its got some basic features/widgets like a notepad, weather, to do list, plus the ability too add rss feeds to your page turning it into a feed reader. As well. you can add various third party widgets like Skype ( and plaxo ( And if you know the html code to a third-party widget, netvibes has a generic widget that can handle the raw code. In all there are probably well over a 100,000 different widgets you can set on your pages. My personal favorites are the twitter (
widget, google notebooks (, and there is a scribble pad which works well for me since I have a tablet pc and can scribble (it would probably be impractical for a mouse user). So as a personal webpage netvibes is pretty cool, Now where it becomes revolutionary is that you can access it so easily. The process is pretty simple, you make your netvibes page (your homepage in your browser's options. Next, in your windows display settings you make your browser's homepage your desktops background, and bam you can access your netvibes personal webpage without ever opening your browser. This has revolutionized how I work. Now when I boot up my computer for a days work the first thing I see is all my netvibes content and utilities. I have immediate access from desktop to all my rss feeds, twitter, web search, and all my google notebooks that's more info than I can handle without clicking anything or starting up an application, I love it. Now I know I didn't explain it well so here is a youtube how-to video. Happy computing.

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Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders, than from the arguments of its opposers.
William Penn (
English religious leader and colonist (1644 - 1718)

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today's quote comes to us from the Christian scriptures.

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
-The Epistle of Paul to the Romans 8.18 (

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One of the great preachers of our day Dr. Fredrick Haynes ( of the Friendship-West Baptist Church ( Dallas, Texas. Dr. Haynes is a disciple of Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor ( by way of Dr. Jeremiah Wright (, and by that I mean, Dr. Haynes was able to learn some lessons from Dr. Proctor before he passed (,%20SAMUEL%20DEWITT&field=per&match=exact), but much of his legacy lives on through Dr: Wright who has been able to take up more time mentoring to Dr. Haynes. Hear ye him:

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Friday, August 24, 2007

If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.
Thomas Watson, Sr

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I know this has been all over the net, but I couldn't resist making this my youtube video of the day. You know how Vice-President Dick Cheney was and still is an ardent supporter the Iraq War. The question is when did he change his mind about the war? This youtube video is of Cheney on a talk show saying that it was imprudent to go into Iraq because it would create a quagmire. In more recent times, Dick has shown such resolve, even stubborn pig-headedness on the things he really believes in. Here's my real issue with this matter, how come no reporters took him or this administration to task for this change of opinion on Iraq? As for as I know it never came up, not even in one interview, column , or press conference. When it's all said and done, it may be that history lays a great deal of the blame for the War in Iraq on the American Press's failure to vigorously challenge the Bush regime's pre-war. claims.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten
everything he learned in school."

I want to try adding some daily features to this blog. I have been finding a lot of cool stuff on youtube ( lately, and maybe it would be cool to post a daily youtube video ala' Andy McCaskey's SDR News ( In addition, I was thinking of sharing a quote everyday. we'll see how it works. Our first installment of these new features is going to be a combination of both and a special tribute to Albert Einstein. First, an Einstein quote ( then we will hear him explain his theory of relativity (

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Pastor Richardson finally got to verse 31 (;&version=31;), a verse dearly beloved by many Black Baptist. The first point Doc made was that he initially wanted to talk about "Why Wait On the Lord?" I noted that that was a good question and I intend to explore it sermonically myself at some future date. Next, he said there is an assurance housed in the text. He made a distinction between insurance and assurance. Insurance pays off after the accident, but assurance pays off in the midst of your problem. I thought that was a pretty astute distinction. A final high point was an analogous story where he relayed the story of a co-worker who had severely hurt his back and was given a morphine pump to help him deal with the pain. Doc said whereas a morphine pump only dulls or covers the pain, he's got a pump that will heal you, make you whole, cure you of the ailment that is causing the pain. Hallelujah. He said he had a Holy Ghost pump. I am working on getting me one of those.

Well, as the say, all good things come to an end, and so we have to say goodbye to Dr. Stanley Richardson and the Oak Ridge Baptist church family. We hope to see them next year. In the mean time, we look forward with great anticipation to April 2008 when we will be holding our annual Spring Revival, if the Lord wills.

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Thursday night of Revival was definitely on par with the previous nights. Doc is really taking his time walking us through this 29th verse (;&version=31;). He is cleaning out all the cob webs and working out all the kinks. Who knew there was so much in a semicolon, a conjunction, and a preposition. There has really been some creative sermon preparation on display this week. Pastor Richardson's basic premise last night was to establish who the "them" are and elaborate on God's expectation of them and promises to them. It was a great message, wish you could have been there.

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Check out this fresh video from
Commoncraft ( ) as they take an
innovative approach toward talking
about social networking.

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Another video explaining the nuances and intricacies of Web 2.0. Viewer beware this video is bland compared to Michael Wesch's ( So be informed and not entertained

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Are you down with this Web 2.0 ( thing? Brotha man, we have not so much as even heard of Web 2.0 ( You mean to tell me you aren't social networking (,2542,t=social+network&i=55313,00.asp), rss feeding (, mashing it up (, of tagging ( the holy taxonomy batman out of everything? Well, check out this video by Michael Wesch (, he calls it "Web 2.0 in just under 5 minutes." It 's a cool vid that shows where the web will be taking us and how for the next couple of years.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

A lot of people say that Wednesday night is always the best night of a five night revival. They try to say that preachers come in on Monday night and show folk what they can do. They also preach hard on Tuesday night to keep the crowd coming. On Wednesday night they peak out and coast their way home the last two nights, usually just going through the motions on Friday a lot of times from physical exhaustion.
Well, we hit a peak on Wednesday but I don't think the momentum is going down from here I feel like it's going up on a little higher. Dr. Richardson's title for tonight was "It's All in the
Punctuation and the Grammar." He showed some creativity and Holy Ghost power of interpretation in coming up with this message. The essence of his message was that the punctuation and grammar was informative. God was trying to tell us in the punctuation and grammar of verse 29 (;&version=31;)that we can't move forward until we take a pause to reflect. He said we can't rush to the other side of the "and." Spiritually speaking before you can get the next blessing God has for you, you have to
pause, take time to reflect and thank God for what he has already given you, then you will be ready to receive another blessing. It spoke to me and my situation. Here's a taste of his celebration (

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Wow, forgive me I have got way behind on updating what's going on at our revival.
On Tuesday night, Dr. Richardson continued in Isaiah 40. When he began readings from verse 29 (;&version=31;)a chill ran down my spine. What "Good News" as Dr. Richardson said. In stark contrast to the God presented most often by the Religious Right ( blesses America in it's imperialistic. delusions, Isaiah's is a God of shell-shocked Iraqi children for he gives strength to the weary. My personal religious experience is that God is a God of the oppressed (
Here's an excerpt From Dr. Richardson's message where he is talking about unwrapping God's gift of power.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My church began it's annual Summer Revival Monday night. Our revivalist or the week is Dr. Stanley Richardson of the Oak Ridge Missionary Baptist Church, Lumber Bridge, NC.
Dr.Richardson is preaching expositorily ( Isaiah 40.28-31 (;&version=31;). Monday night Dr, Richardson dealt with v. 29 and entitled the message "It's Time to Get to Know Him." One highlight of the message was an illustration that Dr. Richardson used in his celebration ( He just got back from a week of workshops in San Jaun, Puerto Rico. He said that there was a mini-casino with slot machines in the lobby of the hotel. He explained the workings of a slot machine and used it as a metaphor to exemplify a metaphysical slot machine that works similarly. Then he told us in the future when we called on God, to just make that pulling motion like you would a slot machine and watch the blessings pour out.
May God continue to bless Dr. Richardson, so he can continue you to revive us through the preaching of the Word.

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Second Sunday is always Youth Sunday at my church. I especially enjoy preaching to young people, there is a certain "no-nonsense" that they demand from preaching. Young people do not get much out of platitudes, cliches, and religious jargon, they much more appreciate just straight talk. Now I am not saying that I am good at preaching to young people, God only knows if my message is connecting, and resonating with the youth.
My message Sunday came from James 4.13-17 ( The title of the sermon was "You better Recognize." The gist of message was that young people need to put God in all their planning and dreaming for the future. Young people are alway projecting into the future, "I can't wait till I am old enough. to drive, "I can't wait till I am
old enough to date." Well, James admonishes us to be mindful to put God in our planning. To acknowledge that our plans may come to fruition if the Lord wills it. I had three main points in the message:
1. Plan but be flexible
2. Persevere
3. Blame it on God.
I closed out the message with a celebration using the story of Job. Essentially, I said Job blamed it on God, not mother nature, not the Sabaeans, nor some rare skin disease. The buck stopped with God, so Job "prayed" and talked to God for about 38 chapters for comfort, understanding, and ultimate resolution of his problem. My recommendation was (is) that we blame God for good or "bad (Rom. 8.28) (;&version=31;)" and not people, things, or circumstances. You better recognize who it is that is in control.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Do you digg ( this blog? Are you feeling content, design, and overall flavor? This site's kinda hot, right? Take a minute and vote for me as one of the best Black Weblogs. There are 30 categories surely my blog fits into one theme of, I'm thinking this one but you be the judge.

Thanks for the support. Also I added this blog to feedburner ( for better RSS ( support you can subscribe to my blog by clicking whereever you see this symbol (
Need a feed reader ( read my blog and other blogs in? Try google reader ( Feedghost (

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Friday, August 10, 2007

John Edwards ( really using twitter,
Barack Obama ( just frontin' like he
is. I mean Edwards really gets it, he
is tweeting' during the debates last night (,
he is fielding questions from twitter (
during a live webcast he's holding.
That's what we need America, a President
with proven multi-tasking ( And
can you imagine a President that
tweets? He would be at Camp David
having a summit with Arab leaders
and tweet something like "... I wish
King Abdullah ('t suck his teeth
at the dinner table, may be its something
cultural..." That would rock the bells.
In all seriousness, I think John Edwards
would make a great President. I would
be satisfied with him, Richardson (, or
0bama ( Why not Hillary ? She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. (

Edwards, Obama, or Richardson in 08'.

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What if there was not a Hell ( for people to go to after having liveda particularly heinous life? Would you. be mad. After being real good in this life, going to church every Sunday, tithing, never cheating on spouse, not drinking or cursing, and showing kindness to the less fortunate, what if you went to heaven and found it full of pedophiles and activist atheists? Would that be fair?
Religious thinker and author Karen Armstrong (" Hell was invented by people who were very sure they were not going there, that someone else was. And they would probably be very upset if they got to heaven and found out that all those other people were let in..."
Before you totally dismiss the idea of there being no Hell consider the parable ( tells of the Workers in the Vineyard. In this parable everybody gets paid no matter how late they come to the
Vineyards. So when is it too late to "come to Jesus"? On your death bed? taking your last breath? Before the throne of God? Jesus concludes the parable with the last shall befirst, and the first shall be last. Another enigmas I guess we'll understand it better by and by. In the meantime II going to strive to do the best that I can.

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hi, I'm Al Franken (, vote fo r me for U.S. Senate in Minnesota's.
The comedian, political pundit (, and social critic, Al Franken is running for Senate. I remember Franken ( when he was on Saturday' Night Live. If I recall correctly he has always tended toward comedy with a left leaning political slant. After his stint on SNL during the 70's he disappeared (off my radar at least) and resurfaced as a strong critic of the growing right wing shift of the country that aided Bush in his hotly contested win over Al Gore ( the 2000 Presidential elections ( It would seem that. the right wing spin and media machine best repented by the White House and Fox News Channel's "fair and balanced" coverage of the Bush regime's march to war inspired Franken to write a book, Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them, and helped start an unashamedly leftist satellite radio channel, Air America ( Fast Forward to yesterday and I run across this article ( the Nation about Franken's bid for the Senate with an embedded video of Franken making his plea to the voters. I was very impressed, Franken made one of the best populist speeches I have heard from a Democrat in a long time. It was smart, but still down to earth and very sincere. I, for one, am on board Al.

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Cool. Bless God, an online faith-based video portal ( Check out some of the most dynamic and controversial preachers of our time. I am not necessarily thrilled with the navigation of this site, apparently it is just a portal directing you to the various ministries' websites who are streaming their own content from their own website. The navigation is smooth and subtle don't get me wrong, but it can get a little busy in your browser. It's kind of like watching The Word Network ( TBN ( on demand you can watch the preachers you want to watch. Now the streams ( are for the most port showing only par t of the message. To view the message in its entirety, you have to purchase the tape or DVD. Come on every body let's welcome the church to the 21st century and the information age with a sincere, thank you, Jesus.

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Here is a great, I guess you would call it,
op-ed ( on (
connecting the war in Iraq to the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, MN last week. (,29307,1649086,00.html?cnn=yes) It seems the relevant question is, where is all the money for our nation's crumbling infrastructure going?

Old folks use to say, "charity begins at home." (

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