Sunday, June 3, 2007

It's a girl!!!!! Of course, we knew that already. Nef is such a trooper, she made giving birth look easy all the nurses and the obstertrician were complementing her on how cool, calm, and collected she was.
That's my girl unfadeable.
The actual birth looked like it was going to be hairy at first. The obgyn thought the baby was going to be real big like over 9 lbs, because Nef was having such difficulting pushing. But eventually, after she pushed and pushed and got the head to turn, the next thing you know Esprit (that what I want to call her) crowned and popped right out: all 8 lbs and 3 oz of her. Thank the Lord. God is so good, yet another beautiful, bouncing baby girl.
On a similar note, we were talking to one of the nurses about epidurals and she said she had seen women give brith and not even know it. She said on one occassion a family member saw something moving under the cover and called her in who when she pulled the cover back discovered a brand new baby. Now, I find that hard to believe.
Okay, I am going back to hold my baby now. Keep us in your prayers.

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